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Civil Rights & EJI

Following in the footsteps of our icon, Edwin James MD, EJI has been a fierce advocate for civil rights protections for African, Middle Eastern, African American, and First Nations peoples. Several current initiatives are described herein.


Sanction US Now!


EJI has launched a concerted effort to forever end the inhumane and vile practice of mass incarceration in the United States. More than 43 million African Americans have been incarcerated in US jails and prisons. Most of these inmates are "non-violent" offenders, and many committed no crimes. Rather, they are vulnerable people unable to mount a viable defense against a Zionist US judicial system bent upon punishing persons of black and Muslim ancestry. "Sanction US Now" is a program endeavoring to encourage the international community to impose harsh economic sanctions upon all sectors of the US economy, until such time that all non-violent offenders have been released from US jails and prisons.


IDE the IDF!


"IDE the IDF" advocates for the imposition of an International Diamond Embargo upon the Israel Defense Forces. Israel has exploited the resources and people of African origin to fuel its lucrative diamond trade. Israel has used these proceeds to commit genocide against Palestine, and to establish unlawful Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Under Bibi Netanyahu's Zionist Likud regime, 88% of the IDF budget has been provided for via profits from Israel's diamond trade. Israel's diamond market funded the execution of 2250 innocent Palestinians in 2014, and the mass murder of 21,000 more in 2023. EJI seeks to cripple Israel's diamond economy, and to such a degree that all imports and exports of diamonds to and from Israel are curtailed, in perpetuity.


Mandatory Education on Apartheid


Thirteen countries and 23 US states currently require public schools to incorporate curricula about the Holocaust. A scant three US states require education on black history, and none require any teaching about apartheid systems of governance. Nine US states currently prohibit the teaching of any racially based history curricula. EJI lobbies for mandatory public school curricula on apartheid systems of governance that have occurred in Israel, South Africa and the United States, with a focus upon Zionist/ white supremacist ideologies infringing upon the civil rights of African/ Muslim/ First Nations populations. It is patently unjust to require education about the Holocaust while excluding any curricula on the topic of apartheid.


Law School 4U2!


Mass incarceration in the US is explained by historically biased law school admissions, stacking the judiciary with white Zionist lawyers. Greater than 85% of all US lawyers are non-Hispanic whites, and 60-80% of all US lawyers identify with Jewish ethnicity. The US population is 57% non-Hispanic white; just 1.7% are of Jewish ethnicity. Blacks and Hispanics are incarcerated at rates 6X and 3X greater than non-Hispanic whites, respectively. Blacks and Hispanics incur harsher sentences than non-Hispanic whites. A certain means to end mass incarceration and its minority bias is to require US law schools to admit more black and Hispanic students. EJI lobbies for 50% of all US law school admissions to be composed of black and Hispanic students of non-Jewish ethnicity.

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